Zonder Titel (Ik)
De zomer draait om ‘ik’. Ik ben gestopt bij de schoenwinkel, ga een maand alleen op pad (ik ben er zeker van dat mijn demonen me zullen vergezellen) voor diepe rust en… Lees meer
Twenty First Century Pandemic
[ Gepubliceerd in ReLocate, mei 2017 ] First coined as a term in the seventies, over the years burnout has not just become widely recognised, but has rooted itself firmly into our society. To… Lees meer
The Tech Shift | The changing face of relocation
[ Gepubliceerd in ReLocate, augustus 2016 ] Whatever the cause, there is palpable shift in the nature of how we do business. Blame it on the millennials if you wish, but when… Lees meer
On the border of two worlds
[ Gepubliceerd in Relocate | april 2016 ] Joke van Leeuwen (1952, The Hague, NL) writes, illustrates and performs. She was City Poet of Antwerp and was appointed Poet of the Low… Lees meer
The old blue and white – Comfort is just around the corner
[ Gepubliceerd in Relocate april 2016 en op FansOfFlanders.be ] How a supermarket can help you face change | In October 2013 I moved to Antwerp for the second time around. The first time, in 2005,… Lees meer